On-Box FlowVision

FlowVision offers a user-friendly graphical interface (GUI) that allows users to configure and monitor the OPBNOS switch.

By enabling the on-box FlowVision feature on the switch, users can access the GUI through the management IP. This enables them to efficiently manage, monitor, and configure the OPBNOS using the intuitive GUI.

The GUI of FlowVision utilizes TCP port 443 & GUI will be reachable at https://<MGMT-IP>/

Users can follow the FlowVision GUI Guide to manage the device using GUI.

This feature is specific to individual switches and cannot be used to manage multiple switches

Enabling On-Box FlowVision will prevent the Switch from being added to a remote FlowVision Controller.

More information is available here.



pbnoscli# configure terminal
pbnoscli(config)# flowvision 
  enable                enable/disable the flowvision tool
pbnoscli(config)# flowvision enable 