pbnoscli(config)# tacacs
authtype Configure authentication type, default : pap
passkey Specify TACACS server global passkey, default : <EMPTY_STRING>
timeout Specify TACACS server global timeout <0-60>, default : 5
//configuring authentication type
pbnoscli(config)# tacacs authtype
chap chap
login login
mschap mschap
pap pap
pbnoscli(config)# tacacs authtype pap
//configuring tacacs passkey
pbnoscli(config)# tacacs passkey key_value
//configuring timout value
pbnoscli(config)# tacacs timeout 60
You can verify the configuration by using the command(s) below:
pbnoscli# show tacacs-sever
TACPLUS global auth_type pap
TACPLUS global passkey key_value
TACPLUS global timeout 60
IP Auth_type Passkey Tcp_port Priority Mgmtvrf Timeout
===================================================================================================================== pap key_val 44 1 N/A 60
pbnoscli# show running-config
configure terminal
aaa authentication failthrough disable
aaa authentication fallback disable
aaa authentication login tacacs+
tacacs-server host auth_type pap key key_val port 44 priority 1 timeout 60
tacacs auth_type pap
tacacs passkey key_value
tacacs timeout 60
interface mgmt
ip address gateway