FV VirtualBox Installation


  • A Windows machine/VM with the below minimum requirement:

    • 2 vCores (available for FlowVision VM)

    • 8 GB RAM

    • 40 GB HDD

  • Download Oracle VM virtual box from the below link

  • Install Oracle VM Virtual box

Importing OVA:

  • Import the OVA file in Oracle VM virtual box

  • Click the start button to power-on the virtual machine

  • Log in to the FlowVision VM with default credentials

    • Username: aviz

    • Password: Aviz@123

  • Get the IP address of the VM through ip address show

  • Access the GUI through the above IP using your favourite browser with http port: 8093

    • https://<VM_IP>:8093/

  • Login to the GUI with the default credentials

    • Username: admin

    • Password: admin

Last updated