Installing ONES Application

These steps will guide a user how to install a tar-ball package on base Linux based machine

ONES Application system - Installation Steps

  • Enable super-user mode

user@ones-application:~$ sudo su

  • Extract the contents of the downloaded ONES Installer tar.gz file

root@ones-application:~$ tar -xf ONES-2.1.tar.gz.bz2

  • Go to ONES-2.1 folder on the server machine

root@ones-aplication:~$ cd ONES-2.1

  • Run to Install the ONES application function

root@ones-application:~/ONES-2.1$ ./

The installer file automatically detects & processes fresh installation or upgrade to the new version

While upgrading there is no dependency of prevision version files, Once the upgrade process is completed, user manually have to delete the previous version files/Packages from the device, Script do not touch old version files

  1. By default, the installer does not provide any license, user needs to contact AVIZ support Team.

  2. ONESv2.1 support SSL certificate integration

    1. User can choose YES if the User wants to integrate their own SSL certificate

      Installing Open Networking Enterprise Suite (ONES)
      ONES is getting installed for the first time, choose appropriate options when prompted...
      Installing prerequisites for ONES application
      Installing ONES application...
      Do you want to install domain SSL certificate(if not, installation will proceed with a self signed certificate)? [y/n]: y
      Enter the path to the private key file: ./certs/server.pem 
      Enter the path to the certificate file: ./certs/server.crt.pem

      Note* Replace the Private key & certificate path to correct location

    2. Choose No, if the user wants to use a self-signed certificate that is integrated into ONES package

      Installing Open Networking Enterprise Suite (ONES)
      ONES is getting installed for the first time, choose appropriate options when prompted...
      Installing prerequisites for ONES application
      Installing ONES application...
      Do you want to install domain SSL certificate(if not, installation will proceed with a self signed certificate)? [y/n]: n
      Using self signed certificates...

  3. Enable or disable the ONE DL feature

    1. User can choose YES if the User wants to enable ONES DataLake feature.

      Do you want to enable ONE-DL feature? [y/n]: y
      Since ONE-DL configuration has been chosen, please provide the information below...
      Enter EC2 ONE-DL Backend Public DNS Endpoint: <Path>
    2. User can choose No if need not to enable ONES DataLake feature

      Do you want to enable ONE-DL feature? [y/n]: n

  4. The installation allows a user to enable DB backup

    1. Users can choose the local or remote location to backup the database

    2. By default, the application creates a database backup every 86400 seconds(1 day), but the user can modify it as per the requirement

  5. Local and Remote Backup

    1. By-default application creates 1 backup for local and for remote,

    2. It has a range of 1 to 3 and once it will add one more it will remove the first copy of the database,

    3. User can modify the number of backup files at the time of installation

    4. By-default ONES create ./backup directory to maintain local database

Local backup:
Do you want to enable DB backups? [y/n]y
Where do you want to store the backups? [local/remote]: local    #local keyword trigger local database on server
Enter the backup directory: ./backups     #Enter the server directory in which user wants to take backup
Enter the number of backups (between 1 and 3) to retain (Older backups will be deleted): 1   #Enter the number of backup user wants to create
Enter the backup interval in seconds (3600 seconds or higher): 86400 #Enter the value in seconds to take a backup 
Remote backup:
Do you want to enable DB backup feature? [y/n]: y
Where do you want to store the backups? [local/remote]: remote    #remote keyword trigger remote database on server
Please make sure the remote server is reachable via SSH
Enter the remote machine IP:    
Enter the remote machine username: admin
Enter the remote machine password: 
Enter the backup directory: ~/backups    #Enter the remote server directory in which user wants to take backup
Backup is being done in at ~/backups
Enter the number of backups (between 1 and 100) to retain (Older backups will be deleted): 5    #Enter the number of backup user wants to create
Enter the backup interval in seconds (3600 seconds or higher): 86400    #Enter the value in seconds to take a backup 
  1. ONESv2.1 support certificate-based authentication between ONES App and devices for GNMI and Auto-discovery

For agent auto-discovery agent will act as a client and the collector as a server. For normal gnmi communication, the agent will act as a server and the collector as a client. Need certificates based on this.

Do you want to enable certificate based authentication between ONES controller and devices? [y/n]: n
Do you want to enable certificate based authentication between ONES controller and devices? [y/n]: y
Enter the path to the ca-cert.pem file: ca-cert.pem    
Enter the path to the server-cert.pem file: server-cert.pem    
Enter the path to the server-key.pem file: server-key.pem
Enter the path to the client-cert.pem file: client-cert.pem
Enter the path to the client-key.pem file: client-key.pem
Proceeding with certificates for Agent Auto Registration
Enter the path to the ca-cert-reg.pem file: ca-cert-reg.pem
Enter the path to the server-cert.pem file: server-cert.pem
Enter the path to the server-key.pem file: server-key.pem
Enter the path to the client-cert.pem file: client-cert.pem
Enter the path to the client-key.pem file: client-key.pem 

The user needs to provide the certificate path and replace the key name with the path of the certificate to be used here

  1. ONES Application support IP-based Access & FQDN Access

Enter the ONES App URL: https:// #Replace the input with IP or FQDN

IP based

Enter the ONES App URL:

FQDN based

Enter the ONES App URL:
  • Installation begins

Installing Open Networking Enterprise Suite (ONES)
Installing ONES application...

Do you want to install domain SSL certificate(if not, installation will proceed with a self signed certificate)? [y/n]: n
Using self signed certificates...
Do you want to enable ONE-DL feature? [y/n]: y
Since ONE-DL configuration has been chosen, please provide the information below...
Enter EC2 ONE-DL Backend Public DNS Endpoint:
                                               Successfully copied 2.05kB to /home/aviz/ONES2.1/collector_old.json
Previous collector has no excluded tables..........
Do you want to enable DB backup feature? [y/n]: n
Do you want to enable certificate based authentication between ONES controller and devices? [y/n]: n
Enter the ONES App URL [https://<host-ip or domain>]:
Setting up the environment and loading essential dockers...
cfb9c9006507: Loading layer [==================================================>]  68.31MB/68.31MB
a7b5f6d81cf5: Loading layer [==================================================>]   2.56kB/2.56kB
aad629396b2c: Loading layer [==================================================>]  143.1MB/143.1MB
5f70bf18a086: Loading layer [==================================================>]  1.024kB/1.024kB
Loaded image: avizdock/ones-collector:v2.1.0
       Name                      Command                  State                                                           Ports                                                    
api-server             java -jar /app/apiserver.jar     Up   >8080/tcp,:::8080->8080/tcp                                                                     
broker                 /etc/confluent/docker/run        Up   >29092/tcp,:::29092->29092/tcp,>9092/tcp,:::9092->9092/tcp,                      
docker                 python3                   Up                                                                                                                          
kafka-connect          /etc/confluent/docker/run        Up (healthy)>8083/tcp,:::8083->8083/tcp, 9092/tcp                                                           
ksqldb-server          /etc/confluent/docker/run        Up   >8088/tcp,:::8088->8088/tcp                                                                     
ones-collector         java -jar -XX:MaxGCPauseMi ...   Up   >50053/tcp,:::50053->50053/tcp, 8093/tcp                                                       
ones-collector-db      / postgres   Up   >5432/tcp,:::5432->5432/tcp, 8008/tcp, 8081/tcp                                                 
ones-fm                /bin/sh -c { gunicorn --wo ...   Up   >8080/tcp,:::8787->8080/tcp                                                                     
ones-fm-db    postgres    Up   >5432/tcp,:::2345->5432/tcp                                                                     
ones-gateway           ./gnmi-gateway -TargetLoad ...   Up   >9339/tcp,:::9339->9339/tcp                                                                     
ones-pty-server node  ...   Up   >8885/tcp,:::8885->8885/tcp                                                                     
ones-rule-service      java -jar /app/rule-engine.jar   Up             8080/tcp                                                                                                     
ones-rule-service-db postgres    Up             5432/tcp                                                                                                     
ones-ui       node  ...   Up             3002/tcp,>443/tcp,:::443->443/tcp                                                               
schema-registry        /etc/confluent/docker/run        Up   >8081/tcp,:::8081->8081/tcp                                                                     
stream-processor       java -jar /app/stream-proc ...   Up             8080/tcp                                                                                                     
zookeeper              /etc/confluent/docker/run        Up   >2181/tcp,:::2181->2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp                                                 
Finishing up ONES Installation...
Upgraded ONES application successfully...
Open the ONES application at
  • Access ONES Application Web GUI from a supported browser using https://<host-ip/FQDN>


  • For a Trail license, the user needs to reach out to AVIZ Support

  • For Activation, the user can choose Activate License if the user has an activation key of any subscription

Users can activate the ONES Application first time just after installation(first-time ONES application shows the page to activate the license

After evaluating ONES application, the user will have the option to activate the license anytime from the License Page

1. Activate License

2. Activate Key

  • Use Default credentials as below;

    • Username: superadmin

    • Password : Admin@123

  • Update/Change your password on the first login

Password should contain:-

Minimum Password Length - 8 characters

Maximum Password Length - 24 characters

Character Support - Alpha Numeric

Special Characters - (# @ $ ! & % only)

Character Rule - At least one Upper Case and one special character

Login To ONES

  • After Resetting the password use new credentials to login

  • You will see the default Monitor Page with a Topology view

1. Upgrade License

After Trail use, if the user wishes to upgrade new Subscription-based license, so user can navigate to the below page.

  1. Account >> License >> Upgrade License

  1. Click Upgrade License & Enter the subscription-based key

Last updated

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