ONES Telemetry Agent Installation

ONES Agent v1.3 support Agent Auto discovery

  1. ONESv1.3 Agent support auto-discovery feature

  2. ONESv1.3 Agent support to send telemetry on multiple controllers

  3. Restrict IP is enabled by default in ONESv1.3

  4. Using this feature agent will discover the ONES Controller and will update the entry on ONES App with all the feature metrics

  5. Need to add a few inputs while installing agent

    1. Controller IP //To restrict the telemetry streaming

    2. Device Credentials

    3. Layer

    4. Region

    5. azid

    6. brickid

    7. rackid


On the Application machine, go to ONES-1.3/ones_t_agent folder

root@ones-application:~$ cd /ONES-1.3/ones_t_agent

Installation (Agent Install on multiple switches at the same time)

  • Enter device details (Management IP, Username and Password ) in device_info.csv

root@ones-application/ONES-1.3/ones_t_agent:~$ vi device_info.csv

  • Save the File

Executing the installation script can be used for installing a telemetry agent on one or more devices in the data centre.

The installer file automatically detects & will process fresh installation or upgrade to the new version

If users want to use the certificate for GNMI & Auto-Registration, so users need to put the certificate in directory gnmi-certs(for GNMI) & auto-reg-certs(for Agent Auto Registration)

root@ones-application/ONES-1.3/ones_t_agent:~$ python3

  1. Script asks to to put the Controller IP to use auto-discovery feature

Enter the ip address of collectors to auto-discover. Do not enter more than 2. Eg -, :

User can only add 2 Controller IP to restrict the telemetry streaming

  1. User can choose the restriction to send telemetry to collector IP only

Do you want to restrict access only to provided collector ip?
Note: Providing Yes will restrict access to agent only with the provided collector IP Address
Enter Yes/No : Yes

Installation Begin

root@ones-application/ONES-1.3/ones_t_agent:~$ python3
Enter the ip address of collectors to auto-discover. Do not enter more than 2. Eg -, :
Note: Providing Yes will restrict access to agent only with the provided collector IP Address
Enter Yes/No : Yes
[{'ip': '', 'user': 'admin', 'passwd': 'YourPaSsWoRd', 'layer': 'Spine', 'region': 'SanJose', 'azid': '1', 'brickid': '1', 'rackid': '1', 'installation_instance': 1, 'agentip': '', 'collectorip': ''}, {'ip': '', 'user': 'admin', 'passwd': 'YourPaSsWoRd', 'layer': 'Leaf', 'region': 'SanJose', 'azid': '1', 'brickid': '1', 'rackid': '1', 'installation_instance': 1, 'agentip': '', 'collectorip': ''}]
###############Connecting to switch###############
###############Connecting to switch###############
Connection to switch successful.....................
Looking for previous installation........................

ones-agent.service file copied successfully on the device
ones-agent.service file copied successfully on the device
Deployment of ones-agent to switch is successful
Deployment of ones-agent to switch is successful

Now Agent will only stream the metrics to the given controller & will autoregister on ONES-App

Last updated