
Enable/Disable below Metadata extraction on the Service Node:

Outer Header Tuple

  1. Source IP: IP address of the sender in the outer header.

  2. Destination IP: IP address of the recipient in the outer header.

  3. Source Port: Port number used by the sender in the outer header.

  4. Destination Port: Port number used by the recipient in the outer header.

  5. Protocol: Protocol used for communication in the outer header.

Inner Header Tuple

  1. Source IP: IP address of the sender in the inner header.

  2. Destination IP: IP address of the recipient in the inner header.

  3. Source Port: Port number used by the sender in the inner header.

  4. Destination Port: Port number used by the recipient in the inner header.

  5. Protocol: Protocol used for communication in the inner header.


  1. TEID: Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for the inner header.


  1. App-Name: Name of the application associated with the traffic.

  2. HTTP Data: Data transmitted over the HTTP protocol.

  3. DNS Data: Data transmitted over the DNS protocol.

Correlated Information

  1. Correlation Status: Status indicating whether the information is correlated.

  2. IMSI: International Mobile Subscriber Identity.

  3. IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity.

  4. APN/DNN: Access Point Name/Data Network Name.

  5. UE IP ADDR: IP address assigned to the User Equipment.

  6. Traffic Direction: Direction of traffic flow.

  7. RAT Type: Type of Radio Access Technology used.

Total Bytes and Total Packets

  1. Total Bytes: Total number of bytes transmitted.

  2. Total Packets: Total number of packets transmitted.

Key Performance Indicator

  1. Uplane Bandwidth/Throughput: Bandwidth or throughput in the user plane.

  2. Uplane Latency: Latency in the user plane.

Last updated