In the home folder of the logged-in user, there is a Python script name "". This script handles test scheduling.
Following is a brief usage of the script:
oper@ftasvm:~$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-a {add,remove,show,kill_job} | -S {running,paused}] [-s SUITEFILE] [-V]
Test Job Queue Submitter
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a {add,remove,show,kill_job}, --action {add,remove,show,kill_job}
add: Add job to queue; remove: remove job from queue; show: show queue; kill_job: kill running job
-S {running,paused}, --status {running,paused}
Set queue execution status. ["running" or "paused"]
Yaml testsuite file to send to the execution queue
-V, --version Show FTAS VM version
The script can take the following actions:
Show the current queue
oper@ftasvm:~$ ./ -a show
Job_Queue: []
Queue Status: paused
When no tests are scheduled the script will show an empty queue.
Adding test suite to the queue
oper@ftasvm:~$ ./ -a add -s testsuites/data_2dut.suite
oper@ftasvm:~$ ./ -a add -s testsuites/data_4dut.suite
oper@ftasvm:~$ ./ -a show
Job_Queue: ['/home/oper/testsuites/data_2dut.suite', '/home/oper/testsuites/data_4dut.suite']
Queue Status: paused
we can add multiple test suits to the queue at any time to be executed.
Removing the test suite from the queue
oper@ftasvm:~$ ./ -a remove -s /home/oper/testsuites/data_4dut.suite
[INFO]: Test job removed /home/oper/testsuites/data_4dut.suite
oper@ftasvm:~$ ./ -a show
Job_Queue: ['/home/oper/testsuites/data_2dut.suite']
Queue Status: paused
Changing queue status
There are two statuses in the job queue:
When the job queue is in "paused" status, the test_runner service does not pick any job in the queue for execution.
When the job queue is in "running" status, the test_runner service picks the oldest job in the queue for execution. After the test case execution is complete the queue test_runner service changes the queue status to "paused".
oper@linux:~$ ./ -S running
Changing the queue status from running to paused when there is a running job, won't stop the running job but the test_runner service won't pick the next job for execution.
Kill or terminate a running job
After terminating the running job test_runner service pauses the queue.
oper@linux:~$ ./ -a kill_job
Trying to terminate running job...done
[INFO]: The queue is paused. Please update its status after your debugging
oper@linux:~$ ./ -a remove -s /home/oper/testsuites/data_2dut.suite
[INFO]: Test job removed /home/oper/testsuites/data_2dut.suite