What's New?
Release 3.0
Storm control
Static Lag
Dynamically find the route scalability limits
Route scalability enhancements
Default route advertisement
Max MED verification
Runtime optimization
Release 2.3.0
MCLAG with Layer2
MCLAG with Layer3
IPv6 prefix route(4K, 64K, 128K) Scalability
BGP Dual Stack (64K and 128K) Scalability
Core file detection during test execution
Release 2.2.0 (10/5/2023)
ECMP Scalability
BGP Dual Stack Scalability
BGP Graceful Restart
New BGP netops usecases
Dynamic Port Breakout
Support for chaos on routed ports (no port channel configuration)
Support for chaos on routed port-channel
Debuggability enhancements
Syslog capture for all devices for the testcase duration
Techsupport dump for in case of test failure
Printing DOM information if ports fail to come up
Easier identification of Ixia sessions by appending test id to session name
Release 2.1.0 (7/7/2023)
Scalability enhancements:
Replaced the cases with fixed values by the variant of supported range test cases.
Parametrized scale value to the maximum supported range .(example: scale_val = 64/128/256/512 )
BGP Netops coverage:
eBGP multi-AS config, adjacency, route convergence and data path using router interface
eBGP Multi-AS Route Convergence and data path using loopback
BGP Node Drain - Add route map to remove and restore SPINE nodes 1 and 2 using the Community list
Test Link drain - Apply for Route-Map permit and for IPv6 Traffic/Prefixes and prefix lists
Node drain: with IPv6 Traffic, Test Node Drain (Spine 1 and Spine 2) for IPv6 Traffic/Prefixes
Debuggability enhancements:
Added device status data before and after test cases and added log messages.
Added FTAS version display in final report log.
Platform-specific suite files:
Added suite files for Wistron, Nvidia and EC
eBay specific suite files:
Added suite files for EC4630, EdgeCore AS-97xx
Platform/Version compatibility check:
Parameterized variables were added to validate the topology file and supported sonic version.
Support for auto cleanup before the test run:
Using this variable devices can be cleaned up forcefully before the test run.
Cleans up the ACL, routes, ipv4 interfaces, VLANs, port-channel configurations if any on the devices and brings down all the ports before the test run starts.
Last updated
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