This guide provides information on how to use the FlowVision graphical user interface to manage ASN servers.
The FlowVision GUI has the following menu options at the top level:
FlowVision uses TCP port 443 for its Web-GUI and TCP port 8091 for communication with the OPB switches.
The following image shows the home page of the Aviz FlowVision GUI:
To manage users from the FlowVision GUI, click System > User Management.
The User Management page shows the details of all the users of the system and their user privileges and roles. From the User Management page, you can add new users, edit user roles and permissions, de-activate a user, and delete a user.
You must have admin privileges to add, edit, or delete a user.
The following image shows the User Management page:
To add a new user,
Specify the Email address, Username, Password, and Role of the new user in their respective fields. The Role drop-down field has two options - Admin and Viewer. The Admin role has full access and the Viewer role has read-only access.
Click Save to create the user.
To edit an existing user,
Edit the required details in the Email, Username, Password, and Role fields.
Click Update User to update the user details.
In the User Management table,
Click the De-Activate button to deactivate a user.
Click the Delete button to delete a user.
Click the ADD button on the header of the user management table at the top. The New User window displays.
Click the Edit button against the user in the User Management table. The Edit User window displays.
The Dashboard is the default home page of the FlowVision GUI. To return to the dashboard view from any other page, click System > Dashboard.
The Dashboard shows you the following data:
This pie chart shows you the device information based on the ASN Version and the ASN Location. You can hover the mouse pointer over the charts to display a tooltip with more relevant information.
The following image shows the ASN fabric information charts:
The platform health table shows you the CPU usage, and memory availability for each connected node. From this data, you can infer the overall health of the platform.
The following image shows the platform health table:
The link information table displays the total number of ports across all connected nodes, the number of ports enabled with administrative privileges, and the number of ports that are down.
The following image shows the link information table:
The top 5 ports by traffic show you the top 5 ports across all connected nodes sorted on the basis of their traffic rate. The table shows you the device, port, Mode, In Pkts & the number of In Discards.
The following image shows the top 5 ports by traffic table:
The SYSLOG Statistics shows you the nodes sorted based on the SYSLOG messages. The table shows the device IP, and the number of SYSLOG messages, filtered by severity.
The following image shows the SYSLOG Statistics:
The ASN Module Status shows the top nodes and their health with details about the various components of ASN sorted node IP.
The following image shows the ASN Module Status:
The HA Status shows the HA status between the connected nodes along with the Cluster Status & Data Export Status.
The following image shows the HA Status:
To manage connected nodes from the FlowVision GUI, click System > Devices.
The Devices screen shows all the connected nodes and their connection status. The nodes that are online are shown with a green status and the nodes that are offline are shown in a red status.
The following image shows the Nodes page:
To add a new device,
Default Credentials:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Specify the values for IP Address, Username, and Password in their respective fields.
Click Save to apply your changes and add the device. Click Discard to discard your changes.
You can click the icon to reboot an online device. To delete a device, click the icon. ASN configuration is autosaved to the DB periodically, use the icon to save the configuration explicitly.
Click the icon at the top right corner of the Devices page. The Add New Device window displays.
The System menu lets you perform the following actions:
To view the system log from the FlowVision GUI, click System > Syslog.
The Syslog page shows the system logs of all the nodes that are online. You can click the device icon for each of the online devices to get the system log for that particular device. The system log shows the device IP, component, severity level, time stamp, and the severity level message with more specific information.
The following image shows the system log table of a device:
You can change the severity level of the messages displayed in the syslog table using the Severity Level drop-down menu. The available options are Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Err, Critical, Alert, and Emergency. This is a multi-select menu where you can select multiple severity levels to be displayed.
To access the system and device information, click System > General.
The system information table shows you the product name, version, and technical support information about the system.
The following image shows you the system information tab:
The Devices Information table shows detailed information and properties of each connected node. For each node, the table shows the IP address, the MAC address, the Name of the device, the Version, the Ubuntu version of the service, uptime, and the options to edit them.
You can edit device properties from the Devices Information table:
Change the required node property value in the editable fields. Currently, you can edit the Name and Location.
Click Save to apply your changes.
Click the Edit button corresponding to the required node on the Devices Information table. The Device Properties window displays.
To configure the Licenses for ASN Nodes from the FlowVision GUI, click System > Licence
This page displays the current license details in a table format along with Node IP, MAC Address & Serial Number allowing you to either add a new license key for a new ASN device or update an existing license.
The following license details are shown for each ASN device:
Telco License Key, Type & Status
App License Key, Type & Status
To add or edit the license for an ASN Node:
Click on the Edit button on the license table next to the respective Node
A popup will appear, showing the following fields:
Telco License Key
App License Key
Replace these fields with valid License values
After making the changes, click the Save button to apply the new license key
When hovering over the info icon, detailed license information will be displayed, including:
License Type
License Status
To perform backup and restore from the FlowVision GUI, click System > Backup/Upgrade.
The Backups page shows the available backup files of the system. The details include the backup filename, the date of backup creation, the status of the backup and the option to delete a specific backup file, also provide the option to upgrade the system using a .jar file and upgrade the db using a local .sql file.
The following image shows the Backups page:
To create a new backup, click the Create Backup drop-down menu and select Create Backup. This action creates a new backup file, displaying its status in the backup table.
You can also have the option to selectively backup the database or the FlowVision system. To perform this selective backup,
This will take the backup of the DB and Flowvision.
Click Create Backup > Create Backup (Advanced).
Select the backup you want to create. The available options are - Backup DB and Backup FlowVision. This is a multi-select option where you can choose either or both.
Click Backup to create the selected backup.
After completing a backup, you can find the list of backups in a table format below
The New Backup window displays, used need to select Restore DB or Restore FlowVision or select both if both are available, then Click on the Restore button.
After Restore is completed, there will be a pop-up -
The user needs to refresh the browser after 1 minute interval.
You can upgrade the FlowVision system if required. To upgrade,
There are 2 types of upgrade provided
Click Upgrade System on the top right corner of the Backups page. The Upgrade System window displays.
Select the Upgrade FlowVision checkbox and select .jar file from the local system
Click Upgrade to upgrade the system.
After the Upgrade, there will be a popup that -
The user needs to refresh the browser after 1 minute interval.
Click Upgrade System on the top right corner of the Backups page. The Upgrade System window displays.
Select the Upgrade DB checkbox and select .sql file from the local system
Click Upgrade to upgrade the system.
After the Upgrade, there will be a popup that -
Please use a valid flowvision.jar or fv-db.sql file during the upgrade.
ASN DPI identifies the Applications based on Patterns(equivalent to signatures). Aviz Networks offers seamless upgrades to support new applications or enhance existing ones by releasing new signature files. This allows for updates to the ASN DPI without affecting the current deployment.
During the asn-dpi upgrade, there will be a momentary traffic drop.
Below steps need to follow in the ASN, without restarting asn-modules.
1. Copy the Signature file to the ASN Device
2. Extract Tar file
3. Create a directory to install ASN DPI
4. Execute the script
asn-dpi*.tar.gz in this * means unique file Release Number/Name.
The following Metadata Attributes can be modified using this menu:
The Telco License Key and App License Key columns have an information icon on the License Information table
Click Create Backup > Create Backup. The New Backup window displays.
Click on the Restore Icon to restore that particular backup (.sql / .jar ).
Note: The user also can download the backup files ( .sql / .jar ) by clicking the Download Icon, it will save the file to the local system.
To delete a specific backup file, click the icon against the corresponding backup file in the Backups table. Confirm the delete action in the Confirm Delete prompt.
The configuration menu helps you perform the following:
Enable/Disable below Metadata extraction on the Service Node:
IMSI: International Mobile Subscriber Identity, a unique number that identifies a mobile subscriber.
IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity, a unique identifier for a mobile device.
MSISDN: Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number, the phone number associated with a mobile subscriber.
APN/DNN: Access Point Name/Data Network Name, which defines the network path for all data connections.
USER TYPE: Classification of the user, typically indicating subscriber type or service level.
UE IP ADDR: User Equipment IP Address, the IP address assigned to the user's device.
CGI (Cell Global Identifier): A unique identifier for a cell in a mobile network.
SAI (Service Area Identifier): Identifies the service area within a network.
RAI (Routing Area Identifier): Specifies the routing area within a mobile network.
TAI (Tracking Area Identifier): Identifies the tracking area in LTE networks.
ECGI (EUTRAN CGI): A unique identifier for cells in LTE networks.
LAI (Local Area Identifier): Identifies the local area within a GSM network.
Macro eNodeB Field: Information related to the macro eNodeB, a type of base station in LTE networks.
Extended Macro eNodeB Field: Additional information for extended macro eNodeB configurations.
Cell Changed: Indicates whether the user's device has changed cells within the network.
IPv4 Address Uplink (SGW): The IPv4 address for the uplink from the Serving Gateway (SGW).
IPv4 Address Downlink (eNodeB): The IPv4 address for the downlink to the eNodeB (Evolved Node B).
IPv6 Address Uplink (SGW): The IPv6 address for the uplink from the Serving Gateway (SGW).
IPv6 Address Downlink (eNodeB): The IPv6 address for the downlink to the eNodeB (Evolved Node B).
TEID Uplink (SGW): The Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for the uplink from the Serving Gateway (SGW).
TEID Downlink (eNodeB): The Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for the downlink to the eNodeB (Evolved Node B).
CONTROL TEID: The Tunnel Endpoint Identifier used for control plane signalling.
CONTROL IP: The IP address used for control plane signalling.
Radio Access Type (RAT): The type of radio access technology being used (e.g., LTE, 5G).
Cplane Latency: The latency in the control plane, measuring the delay in signalling and control messages.
Uplane Bandwidth/Throughput: The bandwidth or throughput in the user plane, specific to each IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity).
Uplane Latency: The latency in the user plane, measuring the delay in data transmission for each IMSI.
To view the audit logs from the FlowVision GUI, click System > Audit Logs.
The audit logs table gives you the details of all the actions performed on the connected systems. The details include the action performed, the date, the IP address of the system used to login to the GUI, the resource used, the username of the operator that acted, and the status of the action.
The following image shows the audit logs table:
To configure the ports of the ASN from the FlowVision GUI, click Configuration > Ports.
This page shows the managed Nodes, the ports of each of the connected nodes, and a table displaying the details of the ports, such as the Admin Status, Link Status, Speed, Mode, VxLAN Strip, GRE Strip, Description etc...
Port Mode:
Cplane - Handles control plane packet processing ports, such as S11, N4, and N11.
Uplane - Manages user plane packet processing ports, including S1-U and N3.
Note that, the ports with their link status as 'UP' are shown in green, whereas those with the link status as 'DOWN' are shown in red. You can hover the mouse pointer over the device or port icon for more information on that device or port.
By default, when you select a node in the Devices section, the ports table shows you the details of all the ports of the ASN device. Click on the Action -> edit to edit the properties of ports.
The following image shows the ports page with device, ports, and port status details:
To edit the properties of a port,
Update the above properties as required.
The below properties can be updated -
Description: Link description
Admin Status: port admin status up/down
GRE Strip: Enable/Disable the GRE strip on incoming packets
Click Save to apply the changes.
To update the mode of a port in FlowVision, follow the steps below,
Select the appropriate mode from the drop-down menu with the following options:
The port selection must adhere to the following criteria:
At least one U-plane port must be selected.
At least one C-plane port must be selected.
No more than one C-plane port can be selected.
After selecting the appropriate mode from the drop-down menu, Click the "Update Port Mode" button
To proceed, click the "Continue" on the popup
Once the port mode has been successfully changed, the ASN Core will automatically restart on the node to apply the updates
The list below specifies the unique unified data type of metadata attributes exported from ASN, 5GC-control-session-data-mapping, EPC-control-session-data-mapping, and the user-session-data-mapping file.
Enable/Disable below Metadata extraction on the Service Node:
IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity): Unique identifier for a subscriber in a mobile network.
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity): Unique identifier for a mobile device.
MSISDN (Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number): Phone number associated with a mobile subscriber.
APN/DNN (Access Point Name/Data Network Name): Network identifier defining the path for data connections.
USER TYPE: Classification of the user, indicating subscriber type or service level.
5G-SA TYPE: Type of 5G network architecture, such as standalone (SA) or non-standalone (NSA).
UE IP ADDR (User Equipment IP Address): IP address assigned to the user's device.
CGI (Cell Global Identifier): Unique identifier for a cell in a mobile network.
TAI (Tracking Area Identifier): Identifier for tracking areas in a 5G network.
Cell Changed: Indicator showing whether the user's device has changed cells within the network.
IPV4 Address Uplink (UPF): IPv4 address for the uplink from the User Plane Function (UPF).
IPv4 Address Downlink (RAN): IPv4 address for the downlink to the Radio Access Network (RAN).
IPv6 Address Uplink (UPF): IPv6 address for the uplink from the User Plane Function (UPF).
IPv6 Address Downlink (RAN): IPv6 address for the downlink to the Radio Access Network (RAN).
TEID Uplink (UPF): Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for the uplink from the User Plane Function (UPF).
TEID Downlink (RAN): Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for the downlink to the Radio Access Network (RAN).
RAT (Radio Access Type): The type of radio access technology used, such as 5G NR.
Cplane Latency: Latency in the control plane, measuring signalling and control message delay.
Uplane Bandwidth/Throughput: Bandwidth or throughput in the user plane for each IMSI.
Uplane Latency: Latency in the user plane, measuring data transmission delay for each IMSI.
Enable/Disable below Metadata extraction on the Service Node:
Source IP: IP address of the sender in the outer header.
Destination IP: IP address of the recipient in the outer header.
Source Port: Port number used by the sender in the outer header.
Destination Port: Port number used by the recipient in the outer header.
Protocol: Protocol used for communication in the outer header.
Source IP: IP address of the sender in the inner header.
Destination IP: IP address of the recipient in the inner header.
Source Port: Port number used by the sender in the inner header.
Destination Port: Port number used by the recipient in the inner header.
Protocol: Protocol used for communication in the inner header.
TEID: Tunnel Endpoint Identifier for the inner header.
App-Name: Name of the application associated with the traffic.
HTTP Data: Data transmitted over the HTTP protocol.
DNS Data: Data transmitted over the DNS protocol.
Correlation Status: Status indicating whether the information is correlated.
IMSI: International Mobile Subscriber Identity.
IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity.
APN/DNN: Access Point Name/Data Network Name.
UE IP ADDR: IP address assigned to the User Equipment.
Traffic Direction: Direction of traffic flow.
RAT Type: Type of Radio Access Technology used.
MSISDN: Phone number
NCELL_ID: If data is from 5GSA, it shall indicate cell ID. Otherwise, it shall be null
ECGI_ECGI : If data is from 5GNSA, it shall indicate cell ID. Otherwise, it shall be null
In Flow vision UI : Both NCELL_ID and ECGI are common parameter and represented by CELL_ID parameter.
Total Bytes: Total number of bytes transmitted.
Total Packets: Total number of packets transmitted.
Uplane Bandwidth/Throughput: Bandwidth or throughput in the user plane.
Uplane Latency: Latency in the user plane.
To view and configure ASN Global parameters from the FlowVision GUI, click Configuration > Global.
The Global page shows the various global parameters that can be configured per Service Node.
The following image shows the ASN Global page:
Select a Node to configure the below parameters:
Kafka Export Interval (seconds): Interval in seconds between Kafka export, choose from 5-300 seconds.
5G Cplane Processing (N4/N11): Chose between N4 & N11 for 5G Cplane processing
HTTP2 Port: List HTTP2 ports seperated by comma(,)
GRE Offset Strip Length: Length of GRE header to strip on the ingress packets
Application Identification: Enable/Disable application identification
Metadata Exports: Enable/Disable data export to Kafka
To configure and manage various system attributes of ASN from the FlowVision GUI, click Configuration > Systems.
The Systems Manager page shows the Kafka, SNMP, NTP, and Syslog configurations, this page allows users to add or remove IP addresses associated with these configurations.
The following image shows the System Parameters page:
Configure and manage up to 1 Kafka server IP address for exporting data extracted by the Service Node.
Configure and manage up to 3 SNMP trap server IP addresses for receiving SNMP Traps generated by the Service Node.
Configure and manage up to 3 NTP server IP addresses for use by the Service Node.
Configure and manage up to 3 Syslog server IP addresses for receiving syslog messages generated by the Service Node.
Configure the SNMP Trap threshold for the below parameters:
Disk Usage (%): Triggering threshold for disk % used.
CPU Usage (%): Triggering threshold for CPU % used.
Temperature (℃): Triggering threshold for temperature.
Memory Usage (%): Triggering threshold for memory % used.
FAN RPM (%): Triggering threshold for fan speed in RPM.
To check the ASN module status in the Server directly, use the below commands:
xxx@metasrv01:~/Code/Beta/Package/metadata-appliance$ asncli
You can use the below command to collect-tech-support data
To configure Kafka Security attributes from the FlowVision GUI, click Configuration > Kafka Security
This page displays the Kafka security settings, allowing you to modify the Kafka Protocols and their corresponding configurations
Only an Admin can configure or modify the Kafka security protocol
Configurable Fields:
Enter the Username and Password
Click the Save button to apply the changes
Configurable Fields:
Upload the following files:
CA File
Certificate File
Key File
The Password
After uploading the files, click on Save to apply the changes
Ensure the correct CA, Certificate, and Key files are uploaded.
Only .pem extension files are accepted
Kafka TLS certificate validation support
By default the SSL certificate verification is disabled in TLS Kafka security mode.
If you don't want to configure SASL or TLS security, select "None" here to disable Kafka security.
Cancel Button, If the user changes the configuration (e.g., switching between SASL and TLS) but clicks Cancel instead of Submit, the system will revert the configuration to its previous state.
Click the Edit button against the required port in the ports table. The Port Properties window displays.
The Help page takes you to the REST API documentation. To get to the REST API from the FlowVision GUI, click Help > REST API.
This action takes you to the Swagger UI page with the FlowVision REST API.
To view the Global statistics of a Node from the FlowVision GUI, click Statistics > ASN>Global.
The page shows the following metrics:
Total User Sessions: Indicates the total number of active user sessions on the Service Node.
Total Subscriber: Reflects the total subscribers registered on the service node.
The Statistics menu helps you perform the following:
To view the port statistics of the connected devices from the FlowVision GUI, click Statistics >ASN> Ports.
The Ports statistics page shows you the connected Nodes, the available ports on each Node, and the counters. By default, when you select a device the statistics for all the ports in the device are displayed. If you want to get the statistics of a particular port, select the port from the list of ports.
The following image shows the ASN port statistics page:
Port: The name of the port.
Rx Packets: The number of received packets.
GRE Decap: The number of GRE packets decapsulated.
N11 Packets Processed: The number of N11 packets received.
N4 packets Processed: The number of N4 packets received.
S11 Packets processed: The number of S1-U packets received.
Rx Drop: The percentage of packets dropped.
Decap Drops: The number of packets dropped due to decapsulation error.
Metadata Extracted: The number of packets from which metadata has been extracted.
Port: The name of the port.
Rx Packets: The number of received packets.
VxLAN: The number of VxLAN packets received.
Rx Drops: The percentage of received packets dropped.
Decap Drops: The number of packets dropped due to decapsulation error.
U-Plane: The number of U-Plane packets received.
GTP-U: The number of GTP packets received.
Metadata Extracted: The number of packets from which metadata has been extracted.
To view the Kafka Export statistics of a Node from the FlowVision GUI, click Statistics > ASN>Kafka Export
The page shows the following metrics:
C-Plane Data: Indicates the total number of C-Plane data export Counts from ASN Node.
Priority C-Plane Data: Indicates the total number of Priority C-Plane data export Count from ASN Node.
U-Plane Data: Indicates the total number of U-Plane data export Count from ASN Node.
Priority U-Plane Data: Indicates the total number of Priority U-Plane data export Count from ASN Node